주일예배 : 9:30am (영어예배)- Holy Communions are celebrated every first Sunday of the month.
- Contemporary Service (Informal with more praise songs) every fourth Sunday of the month
- Lenten season, Good Friday service, and Easter Sunday, Pentecostal Sunday, Advent season, Christmas Eve “Living Nativity” (No Tears) service for children and family, Christmas Eve Carols and Lessons with Candle lighting service, etc.
주일예배 : 11:30am (한어예배)
- 은혜와 감동이 넘치는 찬양
- 성령의 날선 검과 같은 말씀
- 주님과 "교통의 숨" 쉬는 기도
- 신령과 진리로 "드리는" 예배
토요 새벽예배 : 6:00am (한어예배)
- Sunday School Ministry (주일학교) : 9:30 & 11:45 (K-5th grade)
- Seasonal Bible studies (성경공부) : 제자 성경, 대강절과 부활절 특별 성경 공부
- Bible Read Around (영어 성경 읽기반): every Wed. @ 7:30 @ Conference Room