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“참된 믿음, 소망과 사랑이 있는 교회”

Ridgewood United Methodist Church

100 Dayton St, Ridgewood, NJ 07450


주일 9:30am – 영어 , 주일 11:30am – 한어, 토요일 새벽 6:00am – 한어

"매주 주일 11:30am 페이스북 라이브 주일예배를 진행 합니다. 페이스북 페이지 (ridwoodumc.net facebook)


“Whoever welcomes one such a child in my name welcomes me…” (Mark 9:37)

If you are looking for a place to worship and to teach “Christian value” to your child/children, you made a “right” choice to visit our website. We are “under construction” to provide a clarity to our mission and ministry and to give a new face on our website. Please explore more pages on our website and when the Spirit touches your heart, “Come and See” who we are and what we do. May God bless you and your family! We welcome all God’s children. God loves you and so do we.

Rev. Sung H. Ahn, Pastor




